Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Wear a Melody

What does it take to make a melody? Oprah had a piano prodigy on her show recently. Oprah picked out 5 notes; E,F, G, B, C. The prodigy then put them together and in about 45 seconds improvised a song using this 5 note melody. Amazing. There are 88 keys on a piano keyboard.

The same 7 notes in varying tones repeated over and over from very low to very high with keys to make them sharp or flat. The combinations are endless and so are the melodies.That is basically what we do at Urban Botanic. We have 66 "keys" or perfume oils. We have high notes and low notes and a lot of notes inbetween. And the combination of these notes is endless. Some combinations are sharp and some are flat and others are simply amazing.

We can also take 5 simple notes; Chocolate, Coconut, Heliotrope, Vanilla, Cedarwood and you get an amazing, smoky haunting scent. However, if you change one note- say change Cedarwood and put Sandalwood instead and it changes the whole melody. Where before it was smoky, now it is fresh. Before it reminded you of winter and perhaps curling up by a fireplace with a good book and some cocoa, now it feels like summer and swimming and picnics. All with just the change of one note. It is no longer haunting, but lilting instead.Come join us and learn how to make your own scent melody. The combinations are endless.

I borrowed this article from my upline Sandra

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